We are engineers and educators, dedicated to delivering and supporting STEM initiatives in the communities we serve.
Future Projects
We're always thinking ahead, and there's no shortage of good ideas. Here are just a few of the programs we'd love to sponsor in the future.
If you'd like to help us get one of them off the ground, please contact us!
"Future City starts with a question - how can we make the world a better place? To answer it, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future that showcase their solution to a citywide sustainability issue." From http://futurecity.org/about
"The City X Project introduces key 21st century skills, including emotional literacy, empathy, design thinking, creative problem solving, and social literacy using hands-on engagement with 3D printing and modeling technologies." From http://www.cityxproject.com/about/
Within the context of a story, students help solve problems in a futuristic colony living on a distant planet. Students solve problems by getting to know the citizens of the colony and designing inventions the citizens can build with their 3D printers.
Bridge design contests "that provides middle school and high school students with a realistic, engaging introduction to engineering." From https://bridgecontest.org/
By participating, students "discover the promise and limitations of wind energy technology [and] design a functional wind turbine based on their knowledge of wind energy..." From http://challenge.kidwind.org/online
"eCYBERMISSION is a web-based Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics competition for 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade teams." From https://www.ecybermission.com/About
Teams choose a mission challenge, work on the mission and submit a mission folder when complete. Challenge categories include alternative sources of energy, environment, food, health and fitness, forces and motion, national security and safety, and robotics and technology.
eCYBERMISSION is offered by the Army Educational Outreach Program.